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My birthday is on June 20th, meaning that every few years it falls on the summer solstice. This year was one of those years.

My birthday played a pivotal role in my spiritual life journey this year. A few days before my birthday I began having recurring dreams of a rose bush growing wild in the woods, calling to me. On top of that dream, the energy in my waking life began to change. I was unsettled and confused by the sudden energy shift. I have noticed that my mind becomes foggy and unclear when an energy shift is happening in my life. Change is always difficult. 

I spent several days confused, moody and feeling lost even though life was moving straight ahead. I was even receiving messages from the divine, asking me to believe in myself and that things were about to change for the better. I mostly ignored these signs and just wallowed in my bed because of the intense energy shift. 

Finally, it was my birthday, and deciding to not give in to my downward spiral I made plans to spend the afternoon walking around a park with my friend. At some point during our hike, I started telling her about my dreams of the rose bush.

As we were walking together we were taking random trails. We were both new to this park and we didn’t know where we were going, but we knew the twists and turns we were taking felt right. 

At some point, a snake darted across our path and I became fixated on it and began to follow the snake away from the trail before I was called back to reality by my friend. We both looked up and ahead and realized the trail abruptly ended and that we couldn’t go further even though there was a sign marking that the trail was straight ahead. We both then looked in the direction that the snake was headed and realized there was a path that was jogging around to meet up ahead with the trail we were currently on. 

We followed the snake to the right trail and continued sharing our spiritual experiences until we came to a clearing on the side of the trail. Both of us felt compelled to go into it. As we entered the clearing we saw a wild rose bush blooming with vibrant flowers, just like my dreams. We sat and talked deeply about spirituality and I decided to pull tarot cards asking the divine about the strange energy shift I was going through. The cards mirrored the advice my friend had already been giving me. It was reassurance that I was in fact in control and I was going to be okay and that even if I didn’t understand what was happening it was ok to trust in everything and sink into that unfamiliar feeling and allow it to just be. 

My entire birthday was filled with divine knowledge and direction. Everything that had been shifting for me started to come together and reassure me that it was for something good. Even though I had been getting signs all week it took me until I was ready to see the changes and what I needed to accept about myself for it to all sink in.

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Author: pearlseer

An introspective generational psychic that's always pushing their boundaries of happiness and understanding within their interpersonal relationships with self and the divine.

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