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As this month is coming to an end I have been reflecting on all of the mental and spiritual shifts I have been going through in the past 6 months. These spiritual changes started to tie together the last few weeks and it’s been a wild ride, to say the least. 

During these 6 months of spiritual change, one of the biggest struggles has been acceptance. Acceptance of myself, of the spiritual divine, and the changes I needed to make. The divine was coming together with my life path to allow me to become a better version of myself. The difficult thing about the kind of spiritual change that comes out of nowhere is that you haven’t practiced better habits to fully accept these changes. It’s easy to fall into old routines making the path to betterment an even bumpier one. 

It took months of seriously exploring parts of myself, allowing my guides to guide me, and listening passionately to my inner voice every time I wanted to allow my ego to take control of my entire life. The thing that is easy to forget is that the ego isn’t the only part of your identity, it’s only one part and to let it do all of the decision-making is completely chaotic. This a great way to spin out of control and have bigger setbacks during your path forward. I worked hard along with my guides, family, and friends to allow my ego to rest and to let my higher self along with my guides to managing things for me. 

None of this was easy but with regular practice, brutal self-honesty, and connection to the divine I was able to level up a little bit. It’s not easy to know where to start, but I think one of the most important things to this type of growth is that brutal self-honesty. The other thing is knowing you’re not alone and allowing yourself to sink deep into that change. 

I know, I know, it’s easier said than done. But even starting small is still taking that leap. You don’t have to jump right into all of the changes, but do work towards opening up so when those changes or opportunities come you will mostly be ready. Progress isn’t always about that forward movement, a lot of times it’s about pausing and healing, and sitting with yourself to make the space for forwarding movement. I think it’s easy to allow that ego to take hold and want all that progress and instant results instead of allowing the other parts of yourself to sit and process and change with all of the movement that is to come or has come. You can move forward without your whole self but at some point, you will end up looking back wondering where parts of you went. It was time for me to pause and allow certain parts of myself to catch up to where I am now and it was hard.  I don’t think anybody is truly ready for that type of work, but for me and many people, it’s necessary to live a full and balanced life. I’m grateful that I was able to sit with myself and allow profound change into my life and I’m excited to see what the next 6 months bring into my life. 

Have you all reflected on where you have been? What are some changes that you have made in the past 6 months and what are some that you plan on making in the next 6 months? Are you where you want to be? Are you listening to your higher self, or are you allowing your ego to dictate your every move? Have you accepted your ego and allowed it to work side by side with the rest of you?


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Author: pearlseer

An introspective generational psychic that's always pushing their boundaries of happiness and understanding within their interpersonal relationships with self and the divine.

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